Little tidbits

I feel like I fell off the face of the earth since I won the contest! We have had a busy time at our home since then! We began the never-ending windows/siding project at our house, celebrated Halloween with my miniature Indiana Jones (will somebody remove the theme song from my head? Thanks) and Alan had a grand opening of one of his hospital projects. It is a beautiful addition to a hospital in St. Paul and I thought it would be grand to buy an adorable new pair of shoes. Well they hurt my feet so badly while we stood listening to the speakers I had to excuse myself outside for fresh air because I felt like I was going to fall over. Note to self: do not wear new cute super duper high heel shoes when you have to stand for hours and can't appropriate take them off. A few nights later we went to a gala and our good friends were with us there so Stacey and I had a barrel of laughs as usual. My mom and I had gone to Macy's that morning for kicks and I stumbled upon the hat dept. I did not know they even had one! Well it was an array of simply gorgeous Audrey Hepburn-esque hats. I found a hot pink and black number with a bow and feathers. Yes. That's right, feathers. My friend, Kristine, who lives behind us even came and took pictures of us. I felt like a bazillion bucks. It was a really fun evening. We had martinis, really good food and bought a few auction items.
I did receive an email from the Bloomington ChopHouse today and my recipe will be rolled out this weekend! Woot! I also asked if I could have a tour of the kitchen and they said they would be thrilled to give me a tour-their words not mine. :)
Oh! One of my Food Network idols, Ina Garten is coming to visit! Well, for a book signing at my former employer, Williams Sonoma that is. Kim and I are going together and we bought her new book yesterday. It is a wonderful book filled with lots of great information and techniques. Ina! You Rock! I hope to score a picture of Ina and I. The sign in the stores says no photos, but I can ask.
Dana and I are going to another book signing the day prior and are seeing Christopher Kimball of Cook's Illustrated. Double Woot!
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