You are my inspiration...(as sung in Pillow Talk)

Simone, I wanted to post a picture of you here...someday there will be one of us and I will treasure it. You, my lovely soul sister, inspire me to pour out my soul in different ways be it pottery, cooking, my blog, writing. You, epitomize true friend. Your beautiful blog is in a class all to itself. You, too, inspire me to be the best I can, you know that though right?
Since we are at Cafe Marisa, a recipe will complete my entry for today so with out further adieu:
Marisa's Perfect Pot Roast
2-3 lb. chuck roast
1 large onion, sliced
2 beef bouillion cubes, dissolved in 1 cup of boiling water
Olive Oil
flour for dredging
1 Tbls Montreal Steak Seasoning
Red Wine
Carrots, optional
This can be done in the crock pot on low or in the oven. I have been doing it in the crock pot lately for ease. My crock pot is from the 1970's and was my Grandma Smith's, so the settings are high, low and off. I start this before I go to work in the morning and let it cook all day long. I begin the browning part about 6 or 630 am and turn the crock pot on low before I go out the door (about 745 or 8am) and we have eaten as late as 640pm (after swimming lessons). But this is actually ready probably by 5pm, but because there is enough liquid (but not too much) it does not dry out.
1. Mix flour and steak seasoning (or use Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper) together. Lightly coat roast in flour and seasoning mixture.
2. Heat 3 or so tablespoons olive oil in a skillet until almost smoking.
3. Sear roast in skillet about 3 minutes per side. Don't forget the sides too! Roast should easily come up from pan, if not, it hasn't browned enough. Use that nose, don't let it burn.
4. Remove roast and place in crock pot.
5. Put sliced onions in skillet with oil and beef bits. Add more olive oil if needed. saute' onions until they are translucent. When done, pour onions on top of roast in crock pot.
6. Deglaze pan with a swig of red wine until all the bits are loose. Pour this on top of roast.
7. Pour dissolved bouillion and about 1/2 cup, more or less of red wine over roast.
I have made carrots on the side, but they can be added an hour or more before dinner so they don't get mushy. I like steaming carrots, easy and quick, on the side, they seem fresher to me. We also dig mashed potatoes with pot roast, but if you like, throw potatoes into the crock pot in the morning so they cook all the way.
I have done this by I hope I haven't missed anything. This is really sooooo good. Amy C and Heather S-M, this ones for you!
Much love.
Oh Marisa.....this was beautiful....thank you so much! I know just how much you treasure all the other girls you have mentioned, so I am REALLY flattered to be even mentioned here....thank you you special girl xoxo